Domestic Violence

Domestic violence is abuse or threats of abuse between individuals who have engaged in an intimate relationship or who are related by blood. In California, the term “abuse” is no longer confined to the threat of physical harm or actual physical harm. Domestic violence includes actual physical harm, threats of physical harm, destruction of personal property, stalking, falsely impersonating another person and behavior that is harassing or disturbing the peace.

We passionately advocate for victims of domestic violence and are committed to obtaining protection for you under the law. Unfortunately, not all domestic violence accusations are true and are made as an attempt to gain an advantage over pending issues in the divorce proceeding such as child custody. Our attorneys are specifically trained to (and will) vigorously defend against false accusations of domestic violence.

Issuance of a Domestic Violence Restraining Order

Once a permanent domestic violence restraining order is issued it will be registered in the California Law Enforcement Telecommunications System (CLETS), which can be accessed by any law enforcement or criminal justice agency. It is important to understand the serious consequences that accompany issuance of a domestic violence restraining order in order to make an educated decision regarding your particular situation. Issuance of a domestic violence restraining order can have an extremely detrimental impact on your employment, your relationship with law enforcement, your relationship with your child, your ability to receive spousal support and much more.

Rallo|London is dedicated to providing the counsel necessary to guide you through domestic violence issues. Our partners have an extensive background in criminal law, which sets us apart from other family law firms in the Southern California area.

Modification to Child Support